
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Flowers Home

For a long time Million of flowers personify beauty at people, pleasure and perfection of the nature.

Flowers are available in all the seasons with many different colors, it doesn't matter in spring or winter, autumn or summer. Flowers are always the sign for every season either from the special smell or the beauty distinct shape.

Flowers giving to everybody it doesn't depend if you are rich or not. Flowers have a magician art to attract all people from all ages. Also, this mother-nature give us these beautiful plants from millenniums ago which bring in our life beauty, pleasure, and giving us good mood and emotional health at any time of the year. Scientists think that there are more than 270 000 versions of colors, each flower give a nice emotion of optimism and hope by its own way is beauty in itself to make our life happy and joyful.

Flowers sometimes called blossom the biological function of a flower that integrate the pollen feminine note with the egg in order to produce seeds, this function start by pollination then by fertilization, finally make the speed and speared it. The Component of flower is stalk, papers, Stigma, Style, Anthers, Filament and Petal, each part has a special function

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