
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Flowers Home

For a long time Million of flowers personify beauty at people, pleasure and perfection of the nature.

Flowers are available in all the seasons with many different colors, it doesn't matter in spring or winter, autumn or summer. Flowers are always the sign for every season either from the special smell or the beauty distinct shape.

Flowers giving to everybody it doesn't depend if you are rich or not. Flowers have a magician art to attract all people from all ages. Also, this mother-nature give us these beautiful plants from millenniums ago which bring in our life beauty, pleasure, and giving us good mood and emotional health at any time of the year. Scientists think that there are more than 270 000 versions of colors, each flower give a nice emotion of optimism and hope by its own way is beauty in itself to make our life happy and joyful.

Flowers sometimes called blossom the biological function of a flower that integrate the pollen feminine note with the egg in order to produce seeds, this function start by pollination then by fertilization, finally make the speed and speared it. The Component of flower is stalk, papers, Stigma, Style, Anthers, Filament and Petal, each part has a special function

Language of Flowers

Flowers is special language, addresses the feelings and contain with their word a hope and optimism for life. Flower is universal language that you do not need to be translated because it's understood by all human beings.
On other hand, Colors are a unique language, which easy to read it and understand. No doubt that the colors language of mother-nature is a most wonderful color can see and the school of learning the beauty of nature color with their meaning.

Each flower has a color and each color contains special meanings that communicate feeling and help us to express our feeling.

Red flower represent beauty, courage and love with meaning "I love you".

White flower represent Purity and Privacy with meaning "You are a gift from heaven".

Pink flower represent Tenderness and Innocence with meaning "Admiration, Thanks".

Yellow flower represent Jealousy, Vitality and Happiness with meaning "you are always with me or Friend".

Orange flower represent Sensitive feeling and Enthusiasm with meaning "Soft-hearted".

Purple flower represent sad love, ambiguity and hesitation with meaning "I wish you happiness and success".

Blue flower represent fulfill and Loyalty with meaning "I'm with you forever".

Uses of Flowers

The benefit of flowers not only to enjoy the scenery and smell but will go much further that flowers have been used for hundreds of years as treatments for spirit and body. Some of flower is used to improve mood and morale and other use to treatment the body.

Violet flower is one of wild plan that cultivated in gardens and public places for decoration. There are many types of violets, but the most important types of medical and consumed is the violet fragrance and violet tricolor. Violet fragrance used in the manufacture of soap, oil and as a medicine treatment of children's cough. Also, violet tricolor make it as drink help general tonic for the body and is used in the treatment of many diseases cancer, rheumatism and inflammation of reproductive system.

Chrysanthemum is an herbal plant with height of (50_12) cm. It also many feature special the winged leaves, Serrated and the smell of camphor-like odor when grinding. Oil Chrysanthemum use for the treatment of rheumatism and gout as well as gastroenteritis and strengthen the blood.
In addition, chrysanthemum flower use for the treatment of fungus, acne and cleaning eyes and skin.

Chamomile flower is very useful because the flowers of chamomile dried and then use it as tea which helps to calm the nerves and organize the digestive process. Moreover, it used in creams,
oils, soap and perfume.Chamomile creams used to beautify facial by remove black grain, acne, masks face and tighten skin.

In general, jasmine flower use for design or decorate houses garden but in fact jasmine flower has many uses. Jasmine flower use for relieve the pain of hepatitis, pain of the stomach, intestines and headaches. Also, Used in the food industry materials by add the taste and smell for the manufacture of sweet and jelly products. Moreover, oil jasmine use in finest industry of perfume and fragrances. Oil jasmine enters in cosmetics Such as face powder, soap, facial and creams. Also, it used to cover the odor of pesticides.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Types of Flowers with Meaning

These are Types of flowers with there meaning:

Name: peruvian lily

Peruvian lily symbol of Friend; it has many different colors such as orange, yellow, red, purple, pink and white.
Lily flower is the largest and important plant species which include different and color. There are more than 200 sexes in the lily family and it has more than 4000 type, but the real lily flower is not more than 80 types. Moreover, lily flower called many of the gardens flower and greenhouse glass such as white calla lily, Madonna lily, orientally lily, chine lily Jaban lily.

Name:bird of paradise

Bird of paradise flower symbol of Joy and jubilation. It has a special shape Similar to the bird in form of periodic with length up to 70-100 cm. Also, Bird of paradise has unique color like, blue, purple, orange and yellow. Bird of Paradise flowers grow in two main seasons first in spring & fall. In spring it's grow in a few numbers with high quality but, in the fall it found in a big numbers.

Name: Rose

Rose is the most famous and beautiful flowers with a lot of meaning. It's a symbol of the love and fragrance. Rose flower not only express love but it uses to express grief, sympathy and solidarity. Rose flower come mostly with all colors special rains bow.